A prior FOI request asked how many complaints were made about landlords from April 2019 to April 2024, broken down by year (FOI000927).
The answer came back:
2019/2020 = 109
2020/2021= 79
2021/2022 = 77
2022/2023 = 76
2023/2024 = 58
Of these, how many complaints were deemed to be valid (if there is a pathway to determining the validity of a complaint prior to any potential prosecution).
Of these, what were the three most common reasons for the complaint in each year?
Asked about prosecutions, the same FOI found there were no prosecutions pursued against landlords in any of the years.
What are the three most common reasons recorded as to why no prosecution was sought?
A separate FOI (FOI001109) also found that did not and does not issue such financial penalties as an alternative to
prosecution under the Housing Act 2004.
Is there a particular policy that explains why this is the case?
FOI001181 FOI Residential Services
Short Description
Complaints Against Landlords
Reference number