Please may I make the following FOI request regarding your Adult Social Care services:
1. Do you have a web-based community directory of services/e-marketplace for adult social care? If yes:
a) Is this directory/e-marketplace developed in-house or by an external provider?
b) If an external provider, please provide the name of the supplier?
c) If an external provider, please provide the renewal date for the contract.
d) What is the annual support cost for your directory/eMarketplace?
e) Are there any plans to review provision of your directory/e-marketplace in the next 12 months?
f) Please provide the name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the directory/e-marketplace within your organisation
2. Who oversees the management of personal budgets and direct payments and integrated personal budgets and what are their contact details? – i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
3. Does the LA provide an in-house managed account service for personal budgets?
4. Does the LA offer the option of ISFs (Individual Service Funds) and if so, who oversees this and what are their contact details?
5. Does the LA support the administration, delivery, and or/management of Personal health budgets, e.g. on behalf of the NHS Integrated Care Board and if so, who is the contact at the LA for this and their contact details.
6. Do the LA use third party solutions to assist with the delivery and budget management of personal budgets, direct payments, or integrated budgets? E.g. pre-paid cards, eWallet solutions, direct payment support services, digital software?
a. If yes, what solution is used, who is the provider and when is the contract due to expire?
b. If no, is this something that you are considering and who in the LA is the person to contact about this and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
7. Does the LA have a directory of Personal Assistants and if so, who is the person at the LA who is responsible for this and their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
8. Who oversees the provision of personal assistants and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
9. Who is the current Director of ASC within the LA and what are their contact details i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
10. Who is the current Assistant Director of ASC within the LA and what are their contact details i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?
11. Who is the Integrated Services Lead at the LA (oversees joined up working with the LA and the ICB/ICS if applicable) and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s), and telephone number(s)?