FOI001144 FOI Domestic Abuse

Short Description
Deaths linked to Domestic Abuse.
Reference number

This is a request for information according to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

It relates to deaths linked to domestic abuse.

According to the Care Act 2014, local authorities have duties to:
•    make, or cause to be made, enquiries if it believes an adult is experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect
•    determine what action should be taken by the authority or others. 
•    arrange for independent advocacy to be available to adults who have difficulty in taking part in the process, and where there is no other appropriate adult to assist 
•    cooperate with other agencies
•    establish a Safeguarding Adults Board to co-ordinate efforts by partner agencies to protect adults with care and support needs arising from abuse 
•    provide information about services available in the area that can prevent abuse and support people to safeguard themselves.

In the time period 1 January 2019 to 30 November 2024:

How many adult women were known to your local authority as at risk of domestic abuse?

How many of those women known to be at risk of domestic abuse died in the time period specified

(2a) How many of those deaths were the result of Homicide
(2b) How many of those deaths were the result of Suicide

In the time period 1 January 2019 to 30 November 2024:

How many children were known to your local authority as at risk of domestic abuse?

How many of those children known to be at risk of domestic abuse died in the time period specified

(4a) How many of those deaths were the result of homicide

How many of those children went missing in the time period specified
