FOI001139 FOI Adults Services

Short Description
VAT on Care Services
Reference number

1.    Does your local authority permit care providers to apply VAT on their weekly or monthly care fee invoices?

2.    If your local authority does not permit the application of VAT to invoices for care fees, please explain why your local authority has taken this decision, when that decision was taken, or last reviewed?  Please provide any links to reports or papers which evidence this decision and rationale for taking this decision.

3.    If you do permit the application of VAT on invoices for care fees, please provide information on how adult social care providers can work with the local authority to do so

4.    Is there any specific eligibility criteria or requirements necessary for your local authority, for care providers prior to applying VAT to care fee invoices for your authority?

5.    Who in the local authority should a care provider contact if they wish to discuss charging VAT on care fees invoiced to your local authority?  Please provide a named contact, phone number, and email address
