FOI001131 FOI Parking

Short Description
Cashless Parking
Reference number

Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Please could you provide the information below about cashless parking solutions in your local authority:
•    The name, job title, and contact details for the person responsible for car parking management.
•    The name, job title, and contact details for the person responsible for procuring the external providers (if any) which manage car parking for your authority.
•    On which of your sites do you own or operate car parks?  Please list.
•    In which of these car parks are cashless parking solutions used?  Please list.
•    For those car parks with cashless parking - what solutions are currently being used (pay by phone, pay by app, on-line, space booking etc.)?  Please state for each car park.
•    For those car parks without cashless parking, are you considering changing this? Yes/No

If you do already have cashless parking: 
•    Do any external companies provide your cashless parking solution(s)?  Yes/No
•    If yes - for each, please state the company name, the value(s) of the current contract(s), the start and end dates of the current contract(s), if there are any extensions in place or planned to these contract(s) and the length of these extensions.
•    What procurement route(s) did you use to tender for these external providers of cashless parking? (e.g. via a named framework agreement, competitive competition, direct award, extension of existing contract, etc.)
•    What is the planned date(s) for re-tender for your contract(s) for external provider(s) of cashless parking?
•    How do you plan to procure your next external provider(s) of cashless parking (existing framework, new framework, competitive competition, direct award, extension of existing contract, etc.)?  What is the timescale for this?

If you do not already have cashless parking on some or all of your sites: 
•    Do you intend to tender for external suppliers to provide this? Yes/No
•    If yes, please state which sites.
•    For the sites above, how do you plan to procure this external provider(s) of cashless parking (existing framework, new framework, competitive competition, direct award, etc.)?  What is your likely the timescale for this?
