FOI001128 EIR Planning Development

Short Description
Golf Club Planning Documents
Reference number

Extraordinary Maidenhead Development Management Committee Thursday 24 October 2024 7PM Cancelled
Planning Application 24/00091/OUT - Maidenhead Golf Club.

(a) The name of the lead officer with overall responsibility [...]. 
(b) any assessments undertaken by RBWM Highways on this application to date please. For example, any RBWM Highways study/document used to inform discussions with National Highways in September, and for the scheduled extraordinary meeting on 24th October 2024. 
(c) The applicant’s technical notes 1-9 RBWM met with National Highways on September 4th 2024, and then submitted a continued objection on September 17th 2024 referring to largely the same omissions as set out in their 8th February 2024 document. 
(d) an opening year assessment with full occupation as a core model scenario
(e) The Applicant’s flow diagrams indicating traffic flow on each arm for all scenarios for the A308(M) Braywick Roundabout, M4 Junction 8 (Holyport Interchange), A404(M) Junction 9A and 9B during the AM and PM peak hours.
(f) Documents clarifying mitigations referenced in the Transport Assessment, including those on the SRN, and providing clarity as to the dependency of the proposed development on these and when
(g) a modelling addendum
(h)  The, the parameters/ assumptions of any future assessment agreed with National Highways prior to any additional analysis being undertaken which analyses impacts on the SRN.
(i) Where parameters of an assessment have been agreed and impact assessment undertaken, should any mitigation be considered necessary to mitigate the residual cumulative impact or any unacceptable impacts of development on highway safety, the engineering details of any proposed scheme must be provided to National Highways for appraisal.

