FOI001119 FOI Resident Services

Short Description
Contact Centre Performance
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information on customer services performance for 2023/24 and 2024/25 (to end of Q2) financial years (presented separately). Please can the information be provided by corporate contact centre e.g. Housing, council tax etc.
•    Number of calls answered
o    Average answer time
•    Percentage of calls resolved at first point of contact
•    Percentage of customers who were satisfied with the call answering service
•    Target number of days to respond to customer emails
o    % of customer emails responded to within target timeframes
•    Target number of days to respond to complaints
o    % of complaints of complaints responded to within target timeframes
•    What is the remit of the customer service team? E.g. telephone calls, emails, online forms, face to face etc.
•    What are the service areas the customer service team handles enquiries for
o    Telephone calls
o    Emails
o    Online forms
o    Face to face
•    What level of service is provided by the customer service team for those service areas i.e. switchboard function, triage, warm hand off to service area, full response
o    Telephone calls
o    Emails
o    Online forms
o    Face to face