The SouthWest Maidenhead SPD is here:
This states that there was a binary choice between two funding models: a simple comprehensive approach and a complex comprehensive approach.
"7.1.39 The Council’s preferred “simple comprehensive approach” outlined earlier in this section provides a simpler, more streamlined approach that provides more certainty, is likely to result in faster delivery whilst ensuring that developers fund infrastructure on a proportionate basis. However, if developers decide to pursue the more complex approach, then table 7 sets out those elements of infrastructure that the Council expects to be funded by means of section 106 agreements that would be the subject of negotiation. It also highlights those elements of infrastructure it expects to be funded by CIL (and, where appropriate, section 106 contributions from the Triangle site)."
A small number of large sites have now come forward in a piecemeal approach for the Harvest Hill area of South West Maidenhead.
Could I request the following information:
A summary list (or table) setting out for every planning application within in AL13 since the BLP was adopted in February 2022:
(a) Planning application number and
(b) Whether the developer agreed to adopt the "simple comprehensive approach" or the "Complex Comprehensive approach" .
(c) If a negotiation is ongoing, or a site is at outline stage, a statement as to RBWM's current understanding of the developers current choice of simple/complex approach.
(d) If a developer has adopted the complex approach could you indicate the contribution agreed by reference to items in table 7.