FOI001113 EIR Planning Policy

Short Description
South West Maidenhead SPD costing update reports and viability assessments
Reference number

The South West Maidenhead SPD document is here:

it is stated:

"7.1.15 As a result of the original and further work an infrastructure delivery schedule has been prepared for the South West Maidenhead area (see Appendix 2). This includes an indication of the potential costs of the different elements of infrastructure. Over time, these costs will be refined as more information becomes available and costs will continue to be updated based on the latest CIL index. This table, and its implications for development contributions will be updated. Any updates will be published on the Council’s website to inform any ongoing discussions with developers and for wider awareness.

I cannot see any updates on the webpage devoted to the SPD:

I therefore request the following information:

1.  On which webpage are the refined costing updates to Appendix 2 in fact published?
2. How many refined updates have been issued since the publication of the SPD?
3. I request a copy of the current refined and updated Appendix 2 relied upon by RBWM.

The SPD states various methods for stating the funding gap, e.g:
"7.1.28 There is therefore an approximate £47.4m funding gap at present. This will need to be made up through section 106 contributions from development."

So I request the following information:

4. The current figure for funding gap(s) - if not set out in the above refined documents.

The SPD states:

"7.3.2 As part of “sense checking” the emerging SPD, a viability assessment was undertaken in October 2022 of the AL13 site as an update to the 2019 viability assessment of the site undertaken as part of the evidence base for the Borough Local Plan. This new assessment used the same base viability model as that used for the Local Plan, but updated to reflect changes to costs and values, national standards and guidance in the draft SPD. This continued to show that development of the AL13 site is viable."

I cannot see any viability assessments on the planning portal for, say, 24/00091/OUT Could I request the following information:

5. A copy of the 2019  viability assessment or link to it.
6. A copy of the October 2022 viability assessment - or link to it.
7. The date on which any new viability assessments have been commissioned by RBWM or its PropCo.
7. The date on which any further viability assessments were received by RBWM or its PropCo 8. Copies of any further viability assessments, or links to them.