FOI001076 FOI Adult's Commissioning

Short Description
Adult Autism and Learning Disability
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to make the following request for information relating to adult autism and learning disability services for the financial year 2024/25 in your local authority.

Question 1
Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:
a.    The weekly rate for Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)
b.    The hourly rate for Domiciliary care
c.    The hourly rate for Supported living for people with non-complex support needs
d.    The hourly rate for Supported Living for people with complex support needs (please provide your criteria for the application of the complex rate)
e.    If the rates you apply to framework and non-framework contracts differ, please indicate the difference and provide a rationale 

If the service is not commissioned on an hourly basis, please provide an estimated average hourly rate based on the average number of hours per week.

Question 2
Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean as a percentage) annual fee rate uplift (inflationary uplift) you have implemented in 2024/25 for externally provided adult learning disability and autism services (not your in-house services) for each of the service types as follows:  
a.    Residential homes (including profound and multiple learning disability (PMLD) services and respite care)
b.    Supported living
c.    Day services
d.    Domiciliary care

Question 3 

For question 3, we are asking for two different service fee rates relating to adult learning disability and autism day services.

3i. Supported in a group
a.    Please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone supported in externally-commissioned day services in a group (for example, the day rate divided by 6 hours + staff and people present)
b.    What is the expected ratio of staff to supported persons at these day services?
c.    Do your day services for those supported in a group include transport? Yes/No
d.    Do your day services for those supported in a group include food/refreshments?    Yes/No

3ii. 1-1 support
a.    Again focusing on day services, please tell us the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone who needs 1-1 support?
b.    Do your 1-1 support day services include transport? Yes/No

c.     Do your 1-1 support day services include food/refreshments? Yes/No

Please note: If two staff are supporting up to 8 people, we would expect the hourly rate for the service to be approximately a quarter of the hourly rate for a one-to-one service.

Question 4

Which of your externally-commissioned services do you consider to be offering preventative interventions that generate savings elsewhere for the council and what is your brief rationale for thinking this?
