FOI001067 FOI HR

Short Description
Multiple Contract Working
Reference number

This request relates to investigations and decisions into local authority employees who are suspected of "multiple contract working" - ie working more than one job when their contract forbids it.

1. Could I please ask for the number of suspected “multiple contract working” cases your local authority has investigated among employees for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018.


2. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.


3. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask for the number of “multiple contract working” cases the local authority has investigated where the employee was found to have been holding down two or more jobs - violating their contract. Please provide figures for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in calendar years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.


3. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each



4. If the cost limit has not yet been reached, could I please ask how many employees have been dismissed as a result of being found in breach of “multiple contract working” rules for each of the last six financial years from 2018/19. If these figures are not held in financial years, please begin with the calendar year of 2018. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.


5. If the cost limit has not yet been breached, could I please ask for the above information where the employee was working from home for at least one day of their working week. Please also provide the job title, pay band and department the employee was employed with for each case.
