FOI001023 FOI Residential Services

Short Description
Private Rental Sector Complaints
Reference number

For each of the 6 points listed below please provide breakdown by year – 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. For 2024, please provide figures to date.

1) The number of complaints the Council received relating to conditions of properties in the Private Rented Sector.
2) The number of each of the following notices that were issued by the Council in relation to private rented homes:
a) an Improvement Notice
b) an Emergency Remedial Action Notice
c) a Prohibition Order
3) The number of prosecutions brought by the Council in relation to conditions in private rented properties.
4) The number of (a) Notices of Intent and (b) Final Notices for civil penalties issued by the Council relating to housing matters.
5) The overall number of individual landlords point 2, 3 and 4 were issued to.
6) The number of housing enforcement officers employed by the council.
7) The number of complaints relating to conditions of properties in the social housing rented sector. Could you please provide a breakdown of complaints for Housing Associations and the local authority. 

If this FOI exceeds the limit, then please provide as much information as possible before the limit is exceeded prioritising points; 1,2, 3, and 6.
