FOI001020 FOI Adults Social Care

Short Description
Social Care Services - Procurement Methods
Reference number

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request information regarding your council’s procurement methods and current preferred routes to market specifically for community-based social care services. I am interested in understanding the procurement frameworks, agreements, or systems used by the council across the following areas:
1. Adult Community Social Care
•    Please provide details on the procurement routes utilized, such as Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), Framework Agreements, Spot Purchase Agreements, HealthTrust Europe (HTE), or any other specified frameworks.
2.  Children’s Community Social Care
•    Could you detail the frameworks or agreements used for community-based services for children, including family support services, youth mental health, and early intervention programs?
3. Mental Health and Well-being Services in the Community
•    What are the procurement routes available for securing community-based mental health support services?
4. Community Supported Living and Housing Support
•    Please indicate if the council uses frameworks, DPS, Spot Purchases, or any collaborative procurement partnerships, and how these are managed specifically for community supported living and housing support.
5. Community-Based Personal Care and Reablement Services
•    Could you specify the preferred procurement methods for personal care and reablement services offered within community settings?
6. Learning Disabilities and Autism Support in the Community
•    For community-based services relating to learning disabilities and autism support, please provide information on the procurement routes, including any specialist frameworks.
Additionally, for each community-based service area, please provide:
•    The current and planned future procurement routes.
•    The criteria or process by which new suppliers can register or apply to be considered under each procurement route.
•    Any anticipated changes to the procurement routes or frameworks for these community services in the next 12 months.
