FOI000969 FOI HR

Short Description
NJC Pay Grades
Reference number

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting the following:
1.    Do you follow the NJC pay spine? YES/NO

2.    Do you follow NJC pay awards? YES/NO
3.    Please provide the pay and grading structure used by your authority for NJC workers, including any local extension of the pay spine.

4.    If you don’t follow NJC pay please provide the pay and grading structure used by your authority

5.    Please provide the basic pay and gender distribution of NJC workers employed by your local authority for each pay point you use, including any local extension of the pay spine, as in the template below: Please do not include school support staff.

6.    If you don’t follow NJC pay please provide this information for your workforce excluding school support staff. 
    Women    Men    Total
Pay point    Basic Pay rate per annum    Full- time Headcount    Part-time Headcount    Part-time
FTE    Full-time Headcount    Part- time Headcount    Part-time
FTE    Headcount    FTE
Please use the Excel template attached to the email when responding to this question.

7. Has your authority adopted/followed the Living Wage rate as set by the Living Wage Foundation?    YES/NO

If YES go to Q4, if NO go to Q11

8. Which Foundation Living Wage rate have you adopted?
·    London - £13.15/hour
·    Outside London - £12.00/hour
·    Other (please specify rate) £    

9. How are you implementing the Foundation Living Wage rate?
·    As a supplement
·    Integrated into your grading structure
·    Other (please specify)     

10. Are you an accredited Living Wage Foundation employer?       YES/NO

11. If you have not implemented the Foundation Living Wage, are you committed to doing so in the future?      YES/NO

12. If yes to Q11, when do you propose to implement it?     (enter date)_________________

13. What is your percentage gender pay gap?
•    Mean 
•    Median

14. What is your percentage ethnicity pay gap?
•    Mean 
•    Median