FOI000949 Adults Services

Short Description
Provisional Average Fees
Reference number

Please provide the average fee rates paid by your authority to external (i.e. non-statutory) providers of care for financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25
Your responses will be most useful if they follow the same format as iBCF returns to the Department of Health and Social Care, which can be found in the following link.
Market Sustainability and Improvement Fund (MSIF): provider fee reporting, 2023 to 2024, local authority data tables
To assist, we have set out your council’s provisional returns for financial year 2023/24, as published by DHSC in the above link.

Windsor and Maidenhead    Provisional average fee rate per week for external providers of care homes without nursing for clients aged 65+ in 2023-24    Provisional average fee rate per week for external providers of care homes with nursing for clients aged 65+ in 2023-24    Provisional average fee rate per contact hour for external providers of home care in 2023-24
2023/24 Provisional, as published by DHSC in July 2023    £907.2    £1227.45    £20.18
2023/24 Actual    [enter £ actual for full year]    [enter £ actual for full year]    [enter £ actual for full year]
2024/25 Provisional (half-way through the year)    [enter provisional, year to date]    [enter provisional, year to date]    [enter provisional, year to date]

Please follow these notes which are copied from the spreadsheet of provisional 2023/24 fees, as published by DHSC in July 2023.
In calculating the average figures, to ensure consistency and focus on the core amounts paid to care providers, local authorities were asked to exclude:
•    Any amounts usually included in fee rates but not paid to care providers, for example, the local authorities' own staff costs in managing the commissioning of places
•    Any amounts that are paid from sources other than the local authorities' funding, that is, third party top-ups, NHS funded Nursing Care and full cost paying clients
Local authorities were asked to include client contributions / user charges, fees paid under spot and block contracts, fees paid under a dynamic purchasing system, payments for travel time in home care, any allowances for external provider staff training, fees directly commissioned by local authorities and fees commissioned by the local authorities as part of a managed personal budget.


This request has been withdrawn 22/10/2024