76890 FOI Council Tax

Short Description
Council Tax Refunds
Reference number

I understand that you are due to refund a number of former and current tenants, due to a number of closed/inactive Council Tax accounts. I would therefore like to make a Freedom of Information Request to obtain the following information:

1) What is the total figure of the funds on account that are due to be refunded?

2) What is the total figure of the funds that have been returned?

3) What is the total balance remaining on account?

4) How many people have been refunded and what are the total sums, in each respective period?

5) How many people are due a refund and what are the total sums, in each respective period?

6) What period do these funds on account date back to?

7) What attempts are made to return these monies?

8) What happens to monies that are not claimed?

9) Is interest accrued on refunds as a result of overpaid monies?

10) What happens if the payee is deceased?

11) What is the process for getting a refund?

12) Is there a time limit on reclaims? 


This request was placed on hold on 21st February 2022, awaiting clarification from the requestor.