I’m writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please can you provide the below information within the 28 working day time limit expected.
If a cost exemption is to be triggered by all of the points below, please work through them in descending order until the cost threshold is triggered.
• A list of trading standards inspections and visits to retail premises related to fair pricing (the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 and Price Marking Order 2004) since the 1 January 2021, including the date, full street address, premises name and details of any breaches discovered
• All letters sent to stores following inspections related to the above issues over the above time period.
• A copy of every post-visit/inspection report generated related to the above issues over the above time period.
196501-514207 FOI Trading Standards
Short Description
Trading standards pricing inspections
Reference number