I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The main purpose of this request is to gather data on vacant council properties in the United Kingdom.
For clarification, this includes all forms of social housing in the ward of the council, including Housing Association. Specifically, I am seeking information on the following:
Number of vacant homes:
• The number of vacant council properties
• The number of vacant Housing Association properties
Reasons for vacancy:
• Breakdown of reasons why said social housing properties are vacant
• [E.g. awaiting repairs, legal issues, not meeting the Decent Homes Standard, etc.]
Waiting list size:
• How many residents are currently on the waiting list for social housing
Waiting list length:
• The average length of the waiting list for a council property
• The average length of the waiting list for a Housing Association property
I would like you to provide the information in the following format:
Please provide the information in electronic format, preferably as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV file. Please avoid sending PDFs or Word documents if possible.
If you are unable to provide the specified information:
If you cannot provide the information exactly as requested, please provide any relevant data you have and explain why the other information cannot be provided.
196501-510987 FOI Housing
Short Description
Social Housing Waiting List
Reference number