My request is for information that isn’t available on the Council’s Public Access System in respect of Planning Application 23/03209/FULL (Holmwood & Briar Cottage, Briar Glen, Cookham, SL6 9JP). Please could you provide the following:
- correspondence (including but not limited to letters, emails, notes, MS Teams chat) between Planning Officers involved in this case (for the avoidance of doubt including Adrien Waite, Assistant Director of Planning and Gilian Macinnes, Deputy Head of Planning) and the applicant, Germain Homes, including its appointed agent DP Architects.
- correspondence (including but not limited to letters, emails, notes, MS Teams chat) between Planning Officers involved in this case (for the avoidance of doubt including Adrien Waite and Gilian Macinnes).
- correspondence (including but not limited to letters, emails, notes, MS Teams chat) between Planning Officers, Officers/Consultants of the local Highway Authority and Officers/Consultants of Lead Local Flood Authority involved in this case, plus correspondence between the aforementioned Officers/Consultants and the applicant, Germain Homes, including its appointed agent DP Architects.
- notes and photographs from the site visit(s) carried out by Planning Officers and Officers/Consultants of the local Highway Authority.
In addition to the above request please provide the notes made by Planning Officers, Legal Officers and Democratic Services Officers who attended the Maidenhead Development Management Committee and its associated Technical Briefing both of which took place on 15th May 2024, including all types of correspondence between any Officer of RBWM in respect of matters pertaining to the aforementioned meetings.