196501-484915 FOI Procurement

Short Description
Physical Goods Purchasing
Reference number

I am writing to request the following information under the FOI Act: the exact products purchased, volumes per order, prices paid and date of order for all physical products (excluding food products) purchased by the authority. For clarity, I have attached a template of the information requested. If it is possible to fill out within the time/financial constraints of a legal FOI request, then could you please fill it out. If it is only possible to respond to the request within these constraints by providing the information in a different format, then could you please provide the information in whatever form is practical? Ideally, this information would cover the last two years of data, but if this is not possible within the time/financial constraints of a legal FOI request, then please provide the data for the longest period of time that is doable (up to the present day). In addition, if the delivery date information is unduly onerous - and would push this request beyond the time/financial limits of the FOI request, then please omit filling out the delivery date column.


Clarification requested on 8th May