196501-482401 FOI HR

Short Description
AI in Recruitment Process
Reference number

I am seeking information in relation to the use of AI in recruitment processes. Does Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council use AI in any part of the job recruitment process. This can include: identifying the hiring needs, preparing the job description, talent search, screening and shortlisting, interviewing, evaluation and offer of employment, and introduction and induction of the New Employee. This also includes any AI technology that uses body-language analysis, vocal assessments, gamified tests and/or CV scanners. If the council does use AI during any part of this process, which software is most commonly used, and since when has this software been in use? Which company provides this software? How much have you spent on AI technology related to the use of recruitment? Apart from using AI in recruitment, does Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council use AI technology in any other aspect? Please specify what that is.
