196501-463283 FOI Transport, Highways and Parking

Short Description
Sutton Road Cookham
Reference number

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am seeking information about road traffic collisions, road accidents and illegal parking along Sutton Road in Cookham between High Street and Sutton Close. Specifically, I would like to request the following information:
1) The number of road traffic collisions in the past five years, broken down by year.
2) For each of these, the date, location and details of the collision, including any injuries or fatalities resulting from these road traffic collisions.
3) Any reports or studies conducted by the police regarding the causes of these road traffic collisions, and any recommendations made for improving safety along this part of Sutton Road.
4) In regards to illegal parking along Sutton Road, please provide a full breakdown of parking fines, tickets warnings or charges issued over the past five years, broken down by year including:
4a. No. of tickets issued
4b. No. of tickets appealed
4c. No of tickets paid
4d. No of tickets otherwise cancelled
4e. No of tickets which were unpaid
4f. No if verbal or other warnings issued
5. I would like any information as pertains to traffic calming measures that have been discussed for this stretch over the past five years
6. I would like any information as pertains to a safe pedestrian crossing that have been discussed for this stretch over the past five years
7. I would like any information as pertains to accommodating disabled, partially sighted or non abled-bodied persons to cross safely that have been discussed for this stretch over the past five years
8. How many requests have been made for traffic calming measures, or a pedestrian crossing from residents over the past 10 years for any part of this stretch of Sutton Road? Please break down by year.

