196501-457428 EIR Planning

Short Description
Emerging Parking Standards
Reference number

The Highways report in planning application 22_02821 dated 2nd October 2023 states:

"It should be noted the emerging parking standards which was referred to in the last highway comment is no longer used. The councils current Parking Standard (04) is used as a guide for all current planning applications".

Could I request the following information:

1. Can you confirm that the final sentence refers to the RBWM Parking Standards 2004.
2. Can you provide a copy of the full "emerging" parking standards document.

3. Can you state where these emerging parking standards documents were published please.

4. Given that it is "no longer" used, can you confirm the time period during which the emerging standards were used to assess planning applications.

5. Can you confirm which Cabinet or Council meeting authorised the use of the emerging standards?

6. When was the Lead Member for Planning advised that RBWM was stopping use of the emerging standards, and what reasons were given for that decision?
