196501-451827 FOI Pension Fund

Short Description
Closed-end fund performance, Q3 2023
Reference number

I would just like to check if Q3 2023 data for your closed-end funds is already available, please. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we are hoping to request below:
•    Performance metrics of all closed-end funds including Private Equity, Venture Capital, Private Debt, Real Estate, Real Assets/Infrastructure funds you invest in, including standard data such as:
a.    Commitment 
b.    Vintage Year
c.    Funded Commitment 
d.    Unfunded Commitment 
e.    Distributions 
f.    Market Value 
g.    IRR (Net/Gross) 
h.    PIC 
i.    DPI 
j.    RVPI 
k.    TVPI 
As per the above legislation could you kindly attempt to provide the information within 20 business days. If you intend to withhold any of this information, could you please utilize redaction processes citing each exemption and detailing your reasoning as to why you believe the harm/prejudice of disclosure outweighs the public interest in transparency.
