196501-440542 EIR Flood

Short Description
Flood Risk Property Insurance
Reference number

Sports Clubs in Maidenhead have reported being unable to obtain any flood insurance, despite having obtained it previously in 2014 - "It cost more than £30,000 last time, and now we can’t get flood insurance".

However, the Flood Re scheme is not meant to be withdrawn until 2039:

In light of this risk to the sustainability of clubs and properties in the Borough, may I request the following information:

(i) Any reports prepared by RBWM concerning the effectiveness of the Flood Re scheme, and the predicted impact of its 2039 withdrawl.

(ii) Any data held by RBWM over the last five years listing properties known to be uninsurable for Flood risk, ideally showing trends. For example, is there a map updated (e.g.) annually showing areas in which Insurance companies are refusing to insure properties for flood risk.

(iii) A statement regarding whether any RBWM owned properties have become "uninsurable" in the last 10 years (for example officers have tried but failed to find any company willing to insure them), or it the Borough self-insures against flood risk instead.
