196501-439164 FOI Neighbourhood Services

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Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to enquire about the following information relating to street light location data for council assets and any or sub-districts within your area.  Please could you provide me with the street lighting location data for your area, preferably in a shapefile or other well-known formats so that these can be plotted.. 
I was unable to find this online for your county, borough or district, but it is available for other boroughs such as Camden (https://opendata.camden.gov.uk/Environme...) and Sutton. 
Please could you also provide: 
•    The locations of streetlights or other powered infrastructure such as illuminated road signs et al in a commonly used format such as CSV and include the geospatial detail of latitude and longitude or similar.
•    An indication if any external 3rd parties are utilising this infrastructure within Elexon guidelines or otherwise.
•    How many streetlights have been changed to LEDs. 
•     The annual cost for running the streetlights. 
