196501-438596 FOI Trading Standards

Short Description
Reference number

I'm writing to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act:

A quarterly breakdown since 1 April 2021 of the number of fines issued for selling e-cigarettes or vaping products to under-18s. I'd also like to know the average fine handed out. If this is not information you hold, could you tell me the total amount paid in fines, so I can work out the average myself.

A quarterly breakdown since 1 April 2021 of the number of fines issued for selling illegal e-cigarettes or vaping products. I'd also like to know the average fine handed out. If this is not information you hold, could you tell me the total amount paid in fines, so I can work out the average myself.

Please make clear if the answers to points 1 and 2 contain fines which fall into both categories.
