I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following Information.
I am seeking information regarding the provision of temporary accommodation in your local authority. I am seeking answers to the following:
1. Could you please provide me with a breakdown of the number of individuals/families you housed in temporary accommodation each year for the previous four years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting from 2019/20?
2. Could you please provide me with the total amount spent on temporary accommodation across the last five years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting 2019/20
3. Could you please provide the names of all of the companies you paid for accommodation that was used as temporary accommodation across the last four years? Could you please break this down by financial year starting 2019/20?
4. Could this be providing on an excel spreadsheet in the below format for each year:
Name of company -Number of temporary accommodation (rooms/flats)-Total amount paid 19/20
eg) Temporary Accommodation Hotels Ltd. 39 rooms £43,000
TA providers Ltd 4 rooms £12,000
If you are unable to provide this four all for years but can provide for the last one, or two etc, please do that.