196501-427830 FOI Information Governance

Short Description
FOI and SAR Statistics
Reference number

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with the below information for each calendar year from 2019 till now:
1. The total number of FOI's received 
2. The total number of FOI's responded to on time 
3. The total number of FOI's responded to after the due date 
4. The longest delay in responding to an FOI
5. The total number of FOI's overdue awaiting a response 
6. The total number of internal reviews requested 
7. How many officers you have dedicated to the FOI role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities 
1. The total number of SAR's received 
2. The total number of SAR's responded to on time 
3. The total number of SAR's responded to after the due date
4. the total number of SAR's complexed  
5. The longest delay in responding to an SAR
6. The total number of SAR's overdue awaiting a response 
7. The total number of internal reviews requested 
8. How many officers you have dedicated to the SAR role as either a full job or part of their job description/responsibilities 
