196501-401276 FOI Environmental Protection

Short Description
Noise Nuisance Complaints
Reference number

Please can we request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act? 
Q1. How many complaints for noise nuisance have you had in your council area over the past three years? Please provide a figure for each year (i.e. 2023 so far, 2022 and 2021).
Q2. How many of these complaints are for road noise, i.e. noise caused by driving, traffic, etc? Please provide a figure for each year as outlined in Q1.
Q3. Please can you provide the top 10 streets/roads for the greatest number of road noise complaints relating to Q2, with the number of complaints for each street/road in the top 10? Please can we also have these figures per year as outlined in Q1. 
Q4. Please can you provide the top 10 streets/road for the greatest number of noise nuisance complaints overall, with the number of complaints for each street/road in the top 10? Please can we also have these figures per year as outlined in Q1. 
Q5. Please can you provide the figures for the number all noise nuisance complaints, broken down by type of complaint (in the way it’s recorded), e.g. noisy pubs, building work, dogs, parties, etc), also for each year as outlined in Q1.
