Question 1 - For the current financial year 2023/24, details of the lowest, highest and average rate/fee, paid to care agencies providing domiciliary care for either adults or children
Where applicable please provide those separate rates for:
15 minute calls,
Half hourly calls,
Hourly calls,
Overnight calls
Question 1a - For the current financial year 2023/24, details of the lowest, highest and average rate/fee, paid to care agencies providing specialist needs care for either adults or children.
Where applicable please provide those separate rates for:
15 minute calls,
Half hourly calls,
Hourly calls,
Overnight calls
Please note some points of clarification:
-The term "specialist needs care" is referring to where agencies are needed to provide care staff/nurses who have the necessary required training/knowledge/equipment to cover caring for patients with certain special needs or requirements. (Examples being patients who have severe brain injuries or dementia.)
- The answer for question 1 may answer question 1a as well. Some councils domiciliary care fees and rates will already cover care for persons with more particular specialist needs/requirements.
- Notably where some councils have a pure flat rate for domiciliary care, this rate may not cover paying for carers who have the requisite specialist training necessary equipment for certain care.