196501-371899 FOI Parking

Short Description
Ascot Business Park
Reference number

I would like to request the following information in respect of the car park adjoining to and accessed via Ascot Business Park, Lyndhurst Road Ascot SL5 9FE. As I understand things, the car park was previously a pay and display car park owned and operated by RBWM. 

1. Do RBWM own, control or have an interest the car park?

2. Is the car park currently leased, rented, licensed, loaned etc to any individual, Company or entity?

3. Has RBWM received any payments under any agreement in respect of the car park in the past five years and if so, from whom, how much has been received and when was it received?

4. Are there currently any negotiations for the sale or lease or rent of the car park?
