I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the translation and interpreting services, including BSL, used by the council. Please could you provide the following information:
1. Name of current service provider or providers
2. Copy of successful tender.
3. Final pricing of successful bidder.
4. Where was this opportunity advertised?
5. Expiry date of the current contract.
6. What was the contract value of all interpreting and translation services in 2022?
7. What proportion of your interpretation services were delivered through telephone in 2022?
8. What proportion of your interpretation services were delivered through video in 2022?
9. What were all the languages requested in 2022?
10. What languages were your suppliers not able to provide in 2022?
11. Please can you provide the name, job title, email address and contact number for the person(s) responsible for awarding any contracts relating to these services.