196501-367057 FOI Library Services

Short Description
LGBTQIA+ Issues in Libraries and Museums
Reference number

I am interested in issues of gender and sexuality in the authority area, particularly with regard to libraries and museums;


If applicable, can you please detail what work has been undertaken to address issues of inclusion, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally in council museums?

For example, new displays on LGBTQIA+, dropping pronouns from displays


Essentially same as for part 1 , but can you provide information on how council libraries have addressed these issues

For example, have any books been specifically banned or removed from the library, or hidden from public view, perhaps in a restricted area? Please detail these.

Has a system of trigger warnings been established for sensitive topics? If warnings have been added, could you detail which books have received a warning

What is the policy for sourcing books on LGBTQIA+ issues?


For the above work to, gender, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues generally, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, charities with expertise in this area)

Can you also detail any outside advice of consultation offered or procured for all issues detailed above, i.e, boosting LGBTQIA+ inclusion in libraries and museums

For example, advice given by Stonewall
