196501-360955 FOI Adults Finance

Short Description
Elderly Care Fees
Reference number

Please would you be able to provide the following information in respect of placements made by the local authority of elderly persons funded (in whole or part) by yourselves. The information should be readily available from the relevant department with responsibility for social care. It goes without saying that sensitive information such as people’s names/identity is not being requested.

For persons benefitting from local authority funding, what is the standard fee to be paid by the council for elderly persons placed within independent sector care homes during the financial year 2023/2024 for the following categories of care?

1. Elderly Residential Care
2. Elderly Dementia Residential Care
3. Elderly Nursing Care*
4. Elderly Dementia Nursing Care*

*Please state fee exclusive of the NHS Funded Nursing Care payment (FNC) for 3 and 4.
