I would like to ask some questions under the freedom of information act 2000.
Please complete the following table on behalf of your organisation. Under section 16 of the act, please let me know how I can adapt my request should any answers be subject to exemptions.
Organisation Name:
Core HR System Payroll System Learning Management System (LMS) Recruitment / Application Tracking System Employee Performance Management System ER (HR Cases) Casework System
Current System provider (e.g. iTrent, Oracle EBIS, Oracle Fusion etc)
System type: i.e. On Premise, SaaS or outsourced
What date does this contract expire?
How did you procure this technology? (e.g via G-Cloud, Request for Quote etc)
What is the current annual licensing cost?
What is the current internal staffing cost to enable the support of this system
What are the total, annual 3rd party costs for this system
Who is the the 'product owner' for this system? (please provide the email address)
Please tell us your total employee headcount?