196501-335067 FOI Community Safety

Short Description
Reference number
FPNs and PSPOs

1. How many FPNS have been issued against homeless people in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023? If available, please break this down by year and restriction.

2. Do you record data about how warnings and breaches of the PSPO are broken down into the protected characteristics covered by the Equality Impact Assessments (EIA)? If so, please supply this data.

3. Please either attach copies of your current PSPOs or confirm that those on the PSPO section of your council website are up to date.

4. Were the street homeless community involved in consultations for PSPOs that might affect them – for example, those that restrict begging, obstruction of premises, public urination and defecation?

5. Do you have any specific guidelines or training for officers enforcing PSPOs that impact the homeless community - such as on mental health or signposting to services?

6. Are any measures in place to prevent PSPOs from having a disproportionate impact on the homeless community?

7. What steps does the council take to monitor PSPOs to ensure that the recommendations of the EIA are being followed? Please send over any documentation outlining this process.

8. Is there a process in place for handling complaints following warnings and breaches of the PSPO? If so, please send over any documentation outlining this process.

9. Do any of your PSPOs include dispersal powers?

10. Please provide the number of warnings issued for Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. If this data is available, please provide a breakdown of these warnings by restriction.
