Freedom of Information request [...] 21st March 2023.
Aim to ensure no conflict of interest in the performance of RBWM’s Planning, Land Drainage duties and exercise of powers under role of LLFA. From your website, you state that “RBWM believe transparency is a key condition and driver for the delivery of council services. As a publicly funded organisation we have a duty to the residents we serve to be transparent in our business operations and outcomes.”
RBWM seem to be failing residents in matters relating to Planning and Land drainage enforcement and in the exercise of your duties as LLFA. I am aware of issues in Wraysbury and other places in the Borough.
Limb 1:
Many RBWM residents have had a number of concerns in relation to RBWM’s role in the establishment of Holyport College, a free school. This has ranged from the allocation of s106 monies to the provision of an improved (and clearly necessary) A330 road crossing. It is understood that RBWM is the freeholder and Holyport College is the leaseholder.
I would like to see a copy of the lease to understand if RBWM have or are obliged to provide any funding in relation to the transport of children to the school, the transport of children to Eton College for sports games, or obligations to assist in the procurement of local sports pitches.
Limb 2:
The RBWM planning report into the change of use of fields at Great Oaks reads much more akin to a schedule to be attached to a Lease (determining a tenant’s obligations) than a planning report. For example, it is very specific prohibiting the blowing of whistles before 09.00 (condition 6), though the Flood Risk Assessment (para 6.8) refers to a visual pitch inspection prior to use with the application being specific that no drainage works were required yet some months later in about July 2018 extensive drainage works were installed. The sports pitches have been used by Holyport College since 2018.
What role did RBWM play in facilitating or procuring the lease of this land for the use as Holyport College sports fields. Are RBWM a party to any lease.