196501-324323 FOI Electoral Services

Short Description
Voter ID Preparedness
Reference number

Please treat this email as a formal Freedom of Information request:

1.    How many Voter Authority Certificates (VACs) has the council issued, how many applications has it rejected, and what is the demographic profile of those applications, both accepted and rejected?
2.    Can you confirm that the Chief Executive, acting in their role as the Returning Officer, and/or the Elections Department of your council, has received guidance from the Electoral Commission and/or the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities about implementing the new voter ID legislation for the May 4th elections?
3.    Can you confirm a) all polling station staff have been trained on implementing the new processes and if so, b) what that training has entailed? 
4.    Can you confirm whether the Chief Executive, in their role as Returning Officer, has presented a report on preparedness for the Voter ID requirements to the full council or any other appropriate committee of the council? Has this included a risk assessment and mitigation plan? (If yes, please can you supply a copy of that report?) 
5.    Can you confirm whether an audit has been undertaken of all proposed polling stations to identify a private room for those people who, for whatever reason, cover their faces in public? What was the outcome of this audit if it has happened? (For example, have any polling stations been found to be unsuitable, and if so, how many?)
6.    Has the council undertaken a public information campaign to inform voters about the new Voter ID requirements?
