Q1. What applications is your organisation using for the following back-office functions? Where applicable, please provide the following information for each (please answer using the table below, if possible):
Application Type Application Vendor/Version* Contracted Supplier* Contract end-date
Contact centre
Robotic process automation (RPA)
*Please distinguish between the application vendor and the supplier through which the application was procured if they are not the same.
Q2. What applications is your organisation using for the following business areas? Where applicable, please provide the following information for each (please answer using the table below, if possible):
Application Type Application Vendor/Version* Contracted Supplier* Contract end-date
Revenue and benefits
Housing management
Social care case management
Library management
Electoral management
Waste management
Election management
Licensing and compliance
*Please distinguish between the application vendor and the supplier through which the application was procured if they are not the same.
Q3. Does your organisation use the following Microsoft products (please answer using the table below, if possible):
Product Type Contracted Supplier Contract end-date Total annual contract spend
Office 365
Q4. If your organisation uses Microsoft Office 365, how many total licences do you have? Can you please break this down into the following user types:
License type Number of licences
Q5. Can you provide the main names and email contact for the positions below (or for the equivalent role)?
Role Name Contact Email
ICT Procurement manager
CIO/head of ICT
Head Of Cloud/Licencing