196501-316505 FOI HR Services

Short Description
School Support Staff
Reference number

Under Section 226A of the Trade Union and Labour (Consolidation) Act 1992 as amended, it is a Legal requirement for any Trade Union that is balloting for industrial action to send notice to the employer informing them on their intentions and it has to provide the employer with the number of members they are balloting, their workplaces and their job categories. 
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I am requesting that you provide the following information:
1.    The total number of school support staff included on the ballot notice for your Local authority that were provided by the NEU.
Please note that I am not requesting any personal information nor information which might lead to any identifiable information of individuals.
As Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Council is the employer of all teaching & support staff within maintained schools they must have legally been informed of the number of support staff and teaching staff that the National Education Union (the  NEU) has issued ballot papers to. 
