196501-314079 FOI Highways

Short Description
Permit Parking in Windsor
Reference number

I’m really only interested in figures for Windsor wards but if you can only give me borough figures that’s fine. Windsor wards only would be preferable

How many residents parking permits are sold every year?

How many households have more than one permit?

How many households have more than two permits?

How many households have more than 3 permits?

Is there a limit to permits per household?

How much revenue was raised in last 12 months from resident parking permits?

How many zones have more permits issued than there are spaces available and is any check done to avoid this?

How long is a permit valid for?

When someone moves out how do you ensure they return all permits and visitor permits?

Also - how many electric charging points are there - split by ward? And how much does it cost the council to supply electricity and maintain these points.

Can non-electric vehicles still park in these spaces even though they won’t be charging their cars?
