I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the Council. Please could you provide me with:
1. Does the Council deliver on-the-ground enforcement functions such as issuing fixed penalty notices for anti-social behaviour, littering and flytipping, and if so, how (directly, contracted out, etc.)?
2. Does the Council deal with abandoned and/or untaxed vehicles, if so, how?
3. Does the Council deal with unlawful encampments and traveller incursions, if so, how?
4. If yes to either 1, 2 or 3, does an enforcement strategy exist, and can this be provided?
5. In the last 5 financial years, how much has your authority recovered through Fixed Penalty Notices, fines and other actions as a result of enforcement action for these activities?
6. In the last 5 financial years, how much has been spent on delivering these enforcement activities (for ease, if these form the substantive part of a department or team’s responsibilities, please provide its combined net revenue budget)?
7. Please provide any internal email correspondence and documents (including service reviews and committee reports) which relate to any consideration of reviewing expenditure on the aforementioned enforcement functions within the last 2 years.
196501-311108 FOI Enforcement
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