196501-308455 FOI Housing

Short Description
Housing Statistics
Reference number

How many social housing dwellings have been built by RBWM since 2007?

What is the total population of RBWM in 2011 and 2021?

How many people are awaiting social housing placement or requesting a change in social housing allocation today. And how does this compare with annual figures from 2007-2022?

What was the social housing rent in 2007 and what is it now?

How many empty homes are there in RBWM currently and how many have been empty for more than 6 months?

How many social houses are planned to be built, completed and occupied over the next 4 years?

How many in the Borough are considered to be in :
- rent poverty
- fuel poverty
- absolute poverty
And how does this compare with each year from 2007.
