1) On the installation of 5G equipment and the large monopole installation at intersection between Major Farms Road and Ditton Road in Datchet, can you confirm the environmental and health impact analysis the Council have for the granting of planning permission for the equipment? 2) Provide insurance details that the Council holds for radiation exposures and harm against the person that the Council have in regard to the siting of 5G equipment on public property in their charge? 3) Provide the structural integrity data report for the monopole and product insurance for structural integrity, fire and fatigue collapse? 4) Provide details of the self-certification certificate from the installers of the 5G equipment with ICNIRP guideline showing radiation output levels from each radiation transmitter in dBm or Watts to confirm compliance with the self-certification that the council have permitted the development 5) Provide details of the Councils compliance with the Social Care Act 2012 in regard protection from increasing Ionizing and Non Ionizing emissions from 5G installations 6) Provide details of all cause mortality data in the area years 2019 – 2020 – 2021 - 2022
196501-305691 EIR Planning
Short Description
5G Equipment at Major Farms Road
Reference number