Can you answer the following please:
1. During the last financial year (2021-22) how many insurance claims were received in regard to a shoe heel becoming trapped/stuck in a footway drainage channel?
2. During the last five financial years how many insurance claims were received in regard to a shoe heel becoming trapped/stuck in a footway drainage channel?
3. How many claims were successfully repudiated in the last financial year in relation to the above questions?
4. How many claims were successfully repudiated in the last five financial years in relation to the above questions?
5. During the last financial year (2021-22) how many insurance claims were received in regard to a damaged pavement?
6. During the last five financial years how many insurance claims were received in regard to a damaged pavement?
If this information request exceeds 18 hours, please limit your response to questions 1, 3 and 5.
If you do not hold this information, please provide details of how you categorise insurance claims on the Highway