196501-301531 EIR Ecology

Short Description
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Reference number

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with: 
1. Who is the BNG lead within the council and what are their direct contact details? 
2. What practises/processes do the council currently have, or intend to have, in place for how they are going to manage/monitor the 30-year requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) from November 2023 when 10% BNG becomes mandatory? 
3. What information/technology systems do you plan to utilise to manage/monitor the delivery of BNG? 
4. Which outside bodies (eg. wildlife trusts, ecologists, community groups, habitat banks) are you working with to assist in delivering Biodiversity Net Gain? 
5. Is the council planning to use any of their own land to deliver BNG? If so, please provide details of the location and size. 
6. What plans do you have in place, or intend to have for the training of staff on BNG? 
