196501-283531 FOI Sport & Leisure

Short Description
Braywick Park Rugby Pitches
Reference number

My enquiry is in relation to Braywick Park. It is my understanding that Maidenhead Rugby Football Club uses practice pitches on land at Braywick Park, outside of its current stadium, in the North West corner of the park.

As such, I would like to know the following:

What agreements, if any, are in place between the rugby club and the council regarding the use of land in Braywick Park outside of the rugby stadium?
How many pitches, including practice pitches, are currently located in Braywick Park under the Royal Borough’s Playing Pitch Strategy (2016)? Please could you also provide a diagram/description of these pitches and who they are managed by?
What correspondence, if any, has the council had with Maidenhead Rugby Football Club in relation to the use of Braywick Park for the purpose of practice since 2019?
