Can you please provide the following information in line with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act: 1. What assessment(s) of need for Discount Market Sale affordable homes at an authority-level has the Council undertaken? 2. The number of Discount Market Sale affordable homes granted planning permission (or permissioned through appeal) since 6 December 2018 (including application reference numbers); 3. Does the Council have any ‘live’ applications that are proposing to provide Discount Market Sale affordable homes either as a standalone offer or through the Section 106 Agreement or a Unilateral Undertaking (please include application references)?; 4. What assessment(s) of need for Discount Market Sale affordable self-build and custom housebuilding plots at an authority-level has the Council undertaken? 5. The number of Discount Market Sale affordable self-build and custom housebuilding plots granted planning permission (or permissioned through appeal) since 6 December 2018 (including application reference numbers); and 6. Does the Council have any ‘live’ applications that are proposing to provide Discount Market Sale affordable self-build and custom housebuilding plots either as a standalone offer or through the Section 106 Agreement or a Unilateral Undertaking (please include application references)?;
196501-266329 EIR Planning
Short Description
Discount Market Sale Affordable Homes
Reference number