196501-252673 FOI Finance

Short Description
Invoice Processing
Reference number


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

1. How many invoices has your local authority processed in the last twelve months? (from the date of receiving this request)

2. What percentage of these invoices were paid on time?

3. Does your local authority have an automated invoice management tool in place?

a. Fully automated tool
b. Part automated tool
c. No automation
d. Don’t know

4. When was the last time your local authority updated the following processes?
a. Your invoice management tool
i. Insert date:
b. Your expense management processes
i. Insert date:
5. How many members of your finance team are responsible for the following:
a. Processing invoices
b. Processing expenses

Re the above, the following definitions have been provided to help with this request.
• An automated invoice management tool uses technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence to accurately capture invoice data
